Friday, October 16, 2009

Another awesome number..

A must listen.. Here's another awesome song by Annamayya. Extremely melodious..

This link has lyrics of almost all Annamayya keerthanas in pdf format- in 5 languages. A great collection worth having..

In this kIrtana, "chUdaramma satulArA", Annamayya narrates to the ladies...(Oh! SathulArA !) about the great qualities of Goddess AnDAL (Padmavathi) , the consort of Lord SrInivAsa. In every stanza, Annamayya uses the word "chUDi kuDutha nAnchAri", which melodiously fits in to the song... (This word is actually a Tamil word and familiar to Sri Vaishnava sampradAya , which refers to "AnDAL")

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"chUdaramma satulArA" lyrics

pa :
chUDaramma satulArA sObAna pADaramma
kUDunnadi pati cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri

Oh ladies ! See HER (AnDAL) and sing for HER well being. SHE (AnDAL) is now with HER consort (Lord vEnkaTEswara).

ca 1 :
SrImahAlakShmiyaTa siMgArAlakE marudu
kAmuni talliyaTa cakkadanAlakE marudu
sOmuni tObuTTuvaTa soMpukaLalakEmarudu
kOmalAMgi I cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri

SHE is "SrI MahA lakshmi"(Goddess of wealth) HERSELF, where is the paucity of wealth to HER. SHE is the mother of "kAmuDu"(god of romance), then where is the paucity for HER Beauty(chakkadanamu). SHE is the sister of "Moon" (god of 16 beautiful arts), then where is the paucity of HER beautiful artistry (sompu kaLalu). Thus chUDIkuDutha nAnchAri is so beautiful with all the above qualities.

ca 2 :
kalaSAbdhi kUturaTa gaMBIralakE marudu
talapalOka mAtayaTa daya mari Emarudu
jalajanivAsiniyaTa calladanamEmarudu
koladimIra I cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri

SHE is the daughter of "kalasAbdhi" (god of milky ocean with humble nature) , then where is the paucity of HER humility (GambhIramu). SHE is the mother of the whole universe, so where is the paucity of HER mercy(towards all the creatures). SHE resides on the Lotus (Jalaja nivAsini) , then where is the paucity of HER cool nature (to take care of HIS devotees). ChUDikuDutha nAnchAri is thus incomparable (matchless) in the above said qualities.

ca 3 :
amaravaMditayaTa aTTI mahima Emarudu
amRutamu cuTTamaTa AnaMdAlakEmarudu
tamitO SrIvEMkaTESu dAne vacci peMDlADe
kaumera vayassu I cUDi kuDuta nAMcAri

SHE is praised by all the gods (amaravandita), then where is the paucity of HER power. SHE is the relative of "Amrutamu" (the symbol of bliss, immortality), then where is the paucity for HER bliss. Knowing that SHE has all these great qualities in HER, lord SrI vEnkaTEswara directly came in love of HER and married HER (As SrI RanganAtha of Sri Rangam). Such a young beautiful goddess is chUDi kuDutha nAnchAri.

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