Well, I never thought I would be writing about it one day. But today was a different experience! Something I never imagined before. I never became a huge fan of a person just by hearing at his speech, and that too listening to a few minutes, I wanted to go and tell him, 'you are awesome'! And what's more, I recorded his speech (not sure if it was legal) and I am quoting him here in my blog.
If you have been wondering what I am talking about.. here it is.. I attended a wedding in a church today, for the first time in my life. Initially, I was comparing the differences between the cultures. I saw people with pianos, people getting ready to play songs, people with guitar on the stage etc., I had imagined the bride walking down in white dress and all (like we have seen in the movies), and then I thought, I shouldnt expect too much.. just wait and watch..Then the bride really walked down in white saree with a guy, whom I thought was supposed to be her husband. But then it turned out that he was the Pastor (a clergyman or priest in charge of a congregation- Source: dictionary.com), and a good friend of the actual bridegroom.
Then began the sensational talk by the Pastor. I didnt know who he was; I just thought he was the groom's friend.. but later learnt he was 'professional' and the Pastor. I probably felt it was sensational, because I didnt expect that kind of an event to happen there and that kind of a topic being spoken on a wedding day!
Anyway, here it goes..
"If you would remember God everyday in your life, you would have a great marriage. When you are closer to God, we experience love, we experience peace so that we can give it to others..But theres something wrong with human race today, that there is one thing that sticks out- ' I'..We are all about 'me'. In marriage, most of the times, its about me, whats in it for me. Every problem is because I am selfish. But the Bible says, the love of God is not selfish. It is kind and forgiving. The love of God doesnt keep a record, it doesnt say, 'hold on, I remember what you did to me five years ago, you did this to me yesterday'.. the love of God says- 'Jesus paid for you on the cross and I dont remember anything' Because of being selfish, sin came in to the world and death came in to the world"
"Btw, friends, I dont know who you are today. You may be here tonight, but you are going to die one day. 100 years from now you are not gonna be here. What a horrible topic to talk on a wedding morning! Yeah, but that is the reality. Every one of us are gonna die one day. We are going to grow older and older and I promise you, not one of us will be here, one hundred years from now..But you are gonna be somewhere. Your soul will be somewhere- either in heaven with God or in hell. The Bible is that clear about it. And the bad news is that we are all sinners. The Bible says that St.Paul said- all men are sinners, no man is perfect, none of us are without sin. All of us fall short of God's standard. We have all made mistakes in our lives. Not one of us is worthy, when we die, to stand before the gates of heaven and say that 'I am here, perfect, am a good man, I have never sinned'. Not one of us is able to say that. But the good news is this- the Gospel of Jesus is this-' that the God sent his son, Jesus Christ, the only one who is perfectly holy and sinless. Jesus on the cross took your sins on him. He was not dying as an accident. Jesus was dying so that you could be in heaven one day..If you accept him as your Lord, you will be saved.......
....Do you know where you will go when you die? Have you personally asked God to come in to your life? Have you asked, God, forgive my sins? If you have done that, you will be saved."
"The love that God wants through this marriage is supernatural love between you; that you may live your life, through the love of God. God has put love in man.. it goes beyond when you become old, when you have lost friends, when you have lost jobs and everything..Even when everything is gone, you can still say to each other-'I believe in you'.. Two imperfect people like all of us are, come together and plunge in love for God..This is a very sacred and holy moment. This is the time when Jesus is asking you-'Did you know you will have eternal life? If you believe in me, you will have everlasting life. Do you know where you will go when life will be over.' You might be saying-'who knows and who can know'. But the Bible says differently that those who believe in him, shall have everlasting life. Pray God to come into your lives as the holy spirit."
Many of those sentences were very touching for me.. two of them stand out:
1. "All of us fall short of God's standard."
2. "Not one of us is worthy, when we die, to stand before the gates of heaven and say that 'I am here, perfect, am a good man, I have never sinned'".. I got tears in my eyes as he was saying this..
I wanted to hear more and more.. As I heard him, I felt he was explaining the essence of marriage, as it is supposed to be. Maybe, we too have the mantras and chants etc., which convey much deeper meaning.. but nevertheless, this was a different experience.
And towards the end, I felt that their belief in God was much stronger than the belief I had. Then I thought I shouldn't have compared cultures initially.. since all religions talk about that same goal, just tuned to the different mindsets of people.
If you have been wondering what I am talking about.. here it is.. I attended a wedding in a church today, for the first time in my life. Initially, I was comparing the differences between the cultures. I saw people with pianos, people getting ready to play songs, people with guitar on the stage etc., I had imagined the bride walking down in white dress and all (like we have seen in the movies), and then I thought, I shouldnt expect too much.. just wait and watch..Then the bride really walked down in white saree with a guy, whom I thought was supposed to be her husband. But then it turned out that he was the Pastor (a clergyman or priest in charge of a congregation- Source: dictionary.com), and a good friend of the actual bridegroom.

Anyway, here it goes..
"If you would remember God everyday in your life, you would have a great marriage. When you are closer to God, we experience love, we experience peace so that we can give it to others..But theres something wrong with human race today, that there is one thing that sticks out- ' I'..We are all about 'me'. In marriage, most of the times, its about me, whats in it for me. Every problem is because I am selfish. But the Bible says, the love of God is not selfish. It is kind and forgiving. The love of God doesnt keep a record, it doesnt say, 'hold on, I remember what you did to me five years ago, you did this to me yesterday'.. the love of God says- 'Jesus paid for you on the cross and I dont remember anything' Because of being selfish, sin came in to the world and death came in to the world"
"Btw, friends, I dont know who you are today. You may be here tonight, but you are going to die one day. 100 years from now you are not gonna be here. What a horrible topic to talk on a wedding morning! Yeah, but that is the reality. Every one of us are gonna die one day. We are going to grow older and older and I promise you, not one of us will be here, one hundred years from now..But you are gonna be somewhere. Your soul will be somewhere- either in heaven with God or in hell. The Bible is that clear about it. And the bad news is that we are all sinners. The Bible says that St.Paul said- all men are sinners, no man is perfect, none of us are without sin. All of us fall short of God's standard. We have all made mistakes in our lives. Not one of us is worthy, when we die, to stand before the gates of heaven and say that 'I am here, perfect, am a good man, I have never sinned'. Not one of us is able to say that. But the good news is this- the Gospel of Jesus is this-' that the God sent his son, Jesus Christ, the only one who is perfectly holy and sinless. Jesus on the cross took your sins on him. He was not dying as an accident. Jesus was dying so that you could be in heaven one day..If you accept him as your Lord, you will be saved.......
....Do you know where you will go when you die? Have you personally asked God to come in to your life? Have you asked, God, forgive my sins? If you have done that, you will be saved."

Many of those sentences were very touching for me.. two of them stand out:
1. "All of us fall short of God's standard."
2. "Not one of us is worthy, when we die, to stand before the gates of heaven and say that 'I am here, perfect, am a good man, I have never sinned'".. I got tears in my eyes as he was saying this..
I wanted to hear more and more.. As I heard him, I felt he was explaining the essence of marriage, as it is supposed to be. Maybe, we too have the mantras and chants etc., which convey much deeper meaning.. but nevertheless, this was a different experience.
And towards the end, I felt that their belief in God was much stronger than the belief I had. Then I thought I shouldn't have compared cultures initially.. since all religions talk about that same goal, just tuned to the different mindsets of people.
hmm i think you don't have much exposure to society and world.THIS IS HOW RELIGIOUS GUYS TRY TO CONVERT PEOPLE.
what's funny is when a person quotes god without knowing concept of god.is jesus christ ,allah,lord vishnu and million hindu gods are real?well all these gods are lie and fake coz god never came to earth.hmm hell and heaven are absurd.
i should tell you something that happened nearly two decades back.when i was 3yr old kid,kanchi sankaracharya chandrasekharendra saraswati visited my home town.so i asked people whats special about him ,his followers told me he spends most of the time alone inside his room and he flies to other planets and comes back next morning and i believed that coz i was kid.since my dad was government official of highest rank in town,he arranged all facilities for kanchi seer stay in my town.next day my dad took me to visit seer chandrasekharendra saraswati,a 90+ old skinny man with thick sight glasses and a stick in hand.he does n't speak to everyone and if he wants to convey something he writes on slate with slate pencil.i just got scared seeing him and din't had many questions coz i was just 3yr old.i saw evryone falling on his feet which dint intrest me.i came out of his abode and found an elephant.that was first time i saw a real elephant coz i saw only its pics in my kindergarten books.i spent two hours watching that elephant and i too fed two bananas to tusker.i felt elephant is more intresting than kanchi seer.chandrasekharendra personally taught kriya yoga to my dad.he does this yoga thrice a day and i used to laugh seeing my dad doing that yoga coz its very funny for a kid.after many years i saw same yoga being performed by actor RAJINIKANT in a movie BABA to do a miracle.well my dad never did a miracle though he does the same 3times a day,how rajnikant can do.
all the above stuff is what i saw as a kid.as i started growing up i had lots and lots of questions for my past and present.i din't read books or went to someone to answer my questions.i started thinking on my own to find answers.it took 16 years from the day i saw an elephant to come to conclusion on every aspect of life.
conclusion is chandrasekharendra is a confused and ignorant guy who forced certain diet and illusions from religious scriptures on himself.i came to constant and definite conclusion on everything which i call self-realisation.YOGA has two aspects,one is its ancient gym and 2nd yoga is for mentally imbalanced and unstable people.one can't become wise by doing yoga or meditation.
when it comes to religion,religion came into existence only after civilisation and human mind went corrupt.
people created gods and to substantiate those gods they created scriptures like bhagavadgita,mahabharat,koran,bible.people created gods for two reasons.one is to keep people god fearing and not to degrade further.2nd is people created gods for selfish intrests to exploit ignorant and innocent.
actual concept of god and human relation is,human is gifted with wisdom equal to that of god so that we don't do mistakes and don't go for god's help.well people never understand this concept coz its been centuries human mind went corrupt.
@rohan: Everything is a fragment of your own state of mind. Your opinions are correct as per your state of mind and for minds alike. Of course, there need not be physical Gods like Vishnu, Shiva.. I agree with you that the different Gods we create represent our state of minds.. So is Jesus and Allah and vishnu.. maybe.
But why do you talk of real and fake? What is "real" after all and what is fake?
God is the name for the idea of perfection. You might have a different idea of perfection than me. If your dad saw God in Kanchi seer, it is not a necessity that you see the same thing in the same person. Not all minds are the same and not necessarily they all need to see the same God.
Hell and heaven might be absurd.. I am not talking about all that in my blog post. How do you know if God ever came to earth or not? If he were here, are you in a state of mind to "see" and recognise him? If ten people believe that God came, that's their belief. If you dont believe, you just dont believe.. thats it. Why should one believe in your belief that God never came? If you have your arguments, others will have their arguments.. They lead us nowhere.
This blog was about the idea of marriage by Christians. And the idea, I found, was wonderful; that they believed a man and a woman lead a life together to work together towards perfection and love each other and love "God", that is love their "idea of God", that is love their "idea of perfection". That's a greater idea to believe in, than to believe that marriage is to satisfy your own whatever desires.
I may not have much exposure to world, but who cares.. I have common sense that I can think with.
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